Qualified Supervision

Specific to supervision, my portfolio is broad and extensive. For 12 years, I was the clinical supervisor for graduate students at Troy University – Tampa. Preceding Troy, I was the clinical supervisor for graduate students at the University of Minnesota – Duluth. Through my private practice, I have been a Florida Qualified Supervisor for Registered Interns for the past 14 years.

I taught the 16-hour (now 12-hour), state mandated, Qualified Supervisor Training on behave of The Florida Mental Health Counselors Association at five consecutive annual conferences. And, over the past ten years, I presented on the topic of supervision at the national, state and local (Tampa Bay) level.

Theoretical Approach

I use Bernard and Goodyear’s (1992) Discrimination Model. You’ll find a copy of that document on this website. Basically, the approach requires I wear three hats: teacher, counselor, and consultant. I find the model matches my approach to counseling clients and has been proven to be effective by my former supervisees.


Given my former leadership position in our profession, I feel I have an obligation to provide supervision “at cost.” So, my supervision rate parallels my indigent rate of $35 an hour and, because it sometimes exceeds 100 sessions, I have a cap of $3,500.00. We will typically meet alone or with another supervisee. A little less than half of our time we will meet as a group with never more than six supervisees at a time.

Feel free to book a free consultation appointment through SimplePractice or contact me directly so you can decide if our supervision would be a good fit.  

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